Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ten on Tuesday...but it's Wednesday!

This is like a myspace survey...but cooler...and shorter! Ten on Tuesday is remenicent of John Cusack's lists on High Fidelity. I love lists, and when I saw this on a friends blog I thought, "I wanna do it too!" Here it goes...

Movies that I remember fondly from my youth:

1) The Neverending Story - THe first movie I recorded on VHS to watch over and over!
2) Mary Poppins - I knew all the songs
3) Superman I and II - I waited in line to see it the second one in theaters!
4) Beetlejuice - shake shake shake Senora shake yo body line!
5) Clash of the Titans - One of the greatest movies of all time!
6) Big - Tom Hanks is the best!
7) Pinocchio - My parents say I cried at the end...because it was over!
8) The Wizaed of OZ - I knew all those songs too, and the munchkin dances!
9) Star Wars - Because I was in love with Mark Hamill!

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