Monday, March 26, 2007

I am SERIOUS about music

You are the music while the music lasts.
T. S. Eliot

I am a music lover. It may sound cliché, but I do have very eclectic taste, and I listen to almost everything. I can see the merit in so many songs, bands, and genres, and I want to absorb it all. It KILLS me that I am not an expert on ALL music. I want to be a bottomless vessel of music knowledge, filled to the brim with first hits, previous bands, and best songs. I want to be able to spout appropriate lyrics just at the right moment during intense conversations, and make interesting music analogies to support arguments. In the spirit of the above quote I will make a music commitment. For 365 days I will blog about music, songs, instruments, bands, lyrics, and anything else I think is significant to the love of the tune. I am by no means an expert, though that wish lives in my heart or hearts. Please help me by sending suggestions, music information, interesting lyrics, pictures, rants, and raves. So while the music lasts, I’ll be the music- blogger ;~ )

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

March Madness?

This is Spar-ta! Chris took me to see 300 this weekend and I was floored! We had to wait until 10:00pm to get a ticket because all the earlier shows were sold out. I was very tired and wondered how I would stay awake through a two hour movie! HA! I couldn't have slept through that movie even if I had been up for a week prior! It is an amazing movie! It makes me want to paint pictures in vivid comic book colors! It makes me want to go back to school and major is ancient historical battles! It makes me want to be a Spartan woman (I think maybe I was in another life!) It makes me want to wash clothes on the abs of those scantily clad Grecians! Even if you haven't been to the movies in 10 years, you must go see this movie. Don't wait until it goes to video! Don't wait 10 years for ABC to put it on the Saturday night movie special. Don't wait until you can buy it for 5 bucks at the thrift store! SEE IT NOW! If you are still skeptical, check out the trailer below. I have many favorite lines and parts that I would recommend to you, the viewer, but I want you to notice the unspoken power of the Spartan queen when she gives King Leonidas the nod to do what he must to send the message to the Persians!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Oompa Loompa Doompadi doo I have another story for you….I love Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and as a kid I was a little obsessed with the book and the movie. When Nestle created the Wonka candy line… I was first in line. I have been a fan ever since. Nerds, Runts, Fun Dip, Tart and Tinys (remember how they were little cylinders?!), and Bottle Caps were all given their fair shot as being my favorite Wonka candy. I was enamored, though, with the Everlasting Gobstopper, a jawbreaker that changed colors and seemed to last forever, hence the name. I think I liked the way it changed colors more than the actual flavor. It was FUN to eat, like the book was FUN to read, and the movie was FUN to watch. As I grew older my palate matured and I discovered the Wonka Bar. I love candy, but this is my all time favorite. The reason I reminisce about such things is because I was reminded of my fondness for the Wonka Bar by a very thoughtful gift today. At work we have the staff morale building Secret Pal program. If you don’t know about Secret Pals I’ll give you a quick run down. You choose a name from the "hat" and buy little gifts for that person during the week to brighten their days. Of course someone reciprocates your good deeds by getting you little gifts too. You usually fill out a questionnaire about your likes and dislikes, allergies, and whatever else you want your person to know about you. I was pretty thorough, but forgot to mention the ever loved Wonka Bar on the most recent list of favorites. That’s where a good secret pal does some research on you and asks around. I was lucky enough to have some coworkers remember my rabid passion for Wonka candy. Today my secret pal left me a pink polka dotted bag (very cute all by itself) full of TEN Wonka Golden Crème Eggs! I almost died with excitement because this was a new candy I had not tried. They are….incredibly delicious! Very much like my favorite Wonka Bar, but with caramel in the center. It makes me think of Veruca Salt and how she wanted it all, but couldn’t have it because she was a bad egg. I, obviously, am a very good egg.