What is our world coming to? I really want to believe that there are good honest people out there who have a conscious and don’t prey on others, but everyday it gets harder and harder. If you didn’t know already our Visa credit card number was stolen and was being used to make NUMEROUS transactions in the Golden State (California!) To say the least I am still traumatized by the incident. So far it looks like that was the only thing that they used; no social security number or open lines of credit at Macy’s…..yet. We have to keep a vigilant eye on the credit report to make sure that doesn’t happen though. I really was upset about the whole ordeal. I couldn’t go into work the day I actually saw the 20 posted transactions totaling $1700! What a nice New Years Eve surprise! So am I just one of those clueless Pollyannas? I can’t believe that someone would actually steal someone else’s hard earned money and create so much pain and anxiety. I will never feel safe buying birthday or Christmas presents online again. I will continue to obsessively check my account online to see if there are any mysterious charges from distant states. And what’s worse, almost everyone I tell my tale to says, “Yup it happened to me.” Are you kidding? This happens to EVERYONE?! I have heard that every thirty seconds another person is a victim of identity theft. I guess that’s true… and very very sad.
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