I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving...mine was great! I spent it with family and great friends. We had yummy food, a 23lb turkey, and wine! Who could ask for more? Well I did get to play Rock Band all the holiday. It was mindless and fun. The kids even joined in! Who knew Jakob was a drum phenom?

One sour note of the holiday though....this morning I woke up to a broken car window, stolen portable DVD players, 40 missing DVDs, and a pilfered XM satellite radio. What a crummy way to start back to work. :( I'm still thankful that no one was hurt, that we all have our health, and well..... for the bonding effects of turkey and video games! Thank goodness that wasn't in the car!

wow, that really sucks. i can't believe your car got broken into. it is so random how that happens. probably would've been our car the night before, right? i hate thieves.
but yeah, it sure was a good thing you didn't have rock band in there!
thanks again for the fantastic thanksgiving weekend, we had a blast!
that's why you need a gun!
I'm so glad you have "I Think I'm Paranoid" on your blog!!! Totally blasting it!
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