So I picked up a second job waiting tables. I've waited tables off and on for about ten years , so this seemed like the easiest thing to start to do again. I really want to start saving money for a down payment for a house, and though I do have a full time job, three kids are very expensive! For those of you who have NEVER waited tables, it is not as easy as it looks. You have to put up with a lot of bull. I'm pretty good at it because I am a service pacifist. I hate confrontation, and I like to make people happy. So, I understand the term "the customer is always right".
What I have noticed in the many years of waiting tables is that it is the same story, different actors. You have the SAME archetypes working in the restaurant business. it's almost comical. here are some that I have noticed at the new restaurant, that I have known at every restaurant I have ever worked at.
1. The MegaWitch - She complains about EVERYTHING: Tips, what she is expected to do, the guests, the other servers, the weather, etc. She is a pain to work with, she's never happy, and she has been there longer than you!
2. The Greediest Server Ever - In general, servers are there to make money. In that sense I guess there is a bit of greed, but there is always the one server who is the greediest of the bunch. He, usually a guy, will do anything to make a buck. He will take on too many tables, he will sacrifice the kitchen ("the kitchen is running really slow tonight" when in fact he forgot to put your order in), he will be cheap on the tip out, he will bitch and moan if you get the party he wanted, and he will always, always brag about his tips.
3. The Crazy Kitchen Guy - He is an ass. He yells and screams at the servers. He is rude, crude, makes bad jokes, but is amazing with the homemade lobster bisque. You've seen those reality cooking shows. I guess its a prerequisite if your going to be a food genius to be an asshole.
4. The Way Too Dedicated Manager - Company guy who haunts the restaurant 80 hours a week. He is so dedicated he has a coronary when things are not going just right. This is his baby, and you have to do right by it. I can respect a hard worker, but the obsession of some these guys is just strange.
If I've forgot any let me know!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
1 comment:
Psst! Hey what about the pothead/druggie kitchen guy? A favorite amongst those whose "connect" might temporarily be unavailable. While you might perceive his antics and ravings to be incoherent and unreasonable during the height of his drug induced rant and raise a questioning eyebrow...that same eyebrow might raise in pondering speculation as you properly digest his "coming down" thoughts which might ring more true to what is REALLY going on. I mean...really? The meaning of life and why we are here...what does it all mean? Have another glass of wine monster....and create effective and lasting fantasies for your customers. For you, yes you Monster, are yet another creation of the culinary industry. The Unforgetable Siren.
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