Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Humble Pie

I saw this video the other morning. If anyone knows me, they know I am a huge Johnny Cash fan. Johnny Cash was an incredible musician, as well as a very organic public figure. No matter how much he had, he was humble. He gave roots to inventive music. Johnny could take something old, and make it new, make it his own. I believe that is why he is such a figure of inspiration for many artist today. I read all over the web how some people hated this video. They didn't get how a man who wore black because of his support for the poor and downtrodden could be honored by a bunch of rich celebrities, some not very humble at all. Maybe you won't get it either, but I did. If anything, enjoy the song. It's amazing.

Gabe is going to be a rockstar!

My big baby is so entertaining! He's the one singing, though he is a virtuoso on the viola too! He really has some musical talent. Check him out at his school program. They left his group for last....because they always leave the best for last!

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